Saturday, November 29, 2008
didn't went out today at all.
hehehs. just slack at home the whole day while waiting for yizhan to fetch me to expo for my IT gadgets shopping.
he reached my hse at 8+?
was nagging at him that if i didn't get my laptop today, i'm sure he gonna drag his butt to my hse again tml at 11am.
in the enddddddddddddddddddddd, TA DA!

hahahas. so so so so so satisfied.
the china aunty didn't wanted to give me more freebies except an upgrade to 4gb RAM.
and i didn't want to come down again tml to bargain with other dealers so in the end i decided on this straight.
had a quick bite of BK in his car and then off we went back to my hse to fix the wireless router.
and to my disbelief, MR CAI YI ZHAN LOST HIS WAY FROM EXPO to AMK.
hahahahs, we were rounding about in PIE and CTE. thanks to yizhan's intuition of turning left/right at various junctions and he complained that i din't tell him earlier! which he din't asked me earlier? hahahs.
finally reached home to fix the router,
which he said that there wasn't anything wrong with it.
but why cant i use it! -.-
it was left moulding for so lonnnnnnnnnnnnng.
i should have asked him to help me fix it earlier! wasted so much of my time.
he's always e best buddy afterall.
*don't LAUGH in your room by yourself when you read this ok! (:
Friday, November 28, 2008
had a SWEET and fulfilling breakfast with honey at Boon Keng Macdonalds after my Basic theory test.
okays, i failed :( lols. shhhhhhhhhs. i will try harder next time round hehes.
ok back to our breakfast DATE.
it's been a long time since we really had breakfast together.
lots and lots of things really happened in such a short time.
i miss those days when both of us were staying at Kim Tian and when we would often order Macbreakfast delivery at 7am in the morning.
sharing the laughters and joys eating together and of cos, with Jernelle and my 2 dogs disturbing us.
it's our breakfast! chatting and reading during breakfast has never been so fun with others except with my honey.
went to work after that in the afternoon,
with vic going for her inteview at Bishan, looking so executive. hehs.
oh yahs,
bought my E66 yesterday.
love it! heheheehs.
i like the sleek look. but didn't get e white color thou.
but still. it's okays. hehehs.

so sorry i didn't sms you on 27th :(
was so so so so so so busy with work. ok i know work shouldn't be an excuse but i believe it's okay! hehehehs.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
and here is it, ta da! my and kevin's belated birthday and raine's early birthday celebration with our dearest classmates at spageddies at marina square.
our log ice cream birthday cake (: a 2 in 1 celebration for x'mas too hehehs.

dearest raineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and me (:
the 3 birthday kidds hahahas. (raine, ning, kevin)
wishing upon a staaaaaaaaaar ( shhhhs. unable to disclose my wish ^^ )
blowinnnnnnnnnnng away the 1s and here comes e 2s. (:
mine's and raine's pressie. (:
watched madagascar again after the dinner. nice nice nice *thumbs up* hehes.

well, who says penguins cant fly? ahahahs. ratings : 3.5/5
a cute cute movie to cheer your day ! (:
went back home aft the movie and met up with ziyuan. went to fetch vic and bernice before going down to thomson and had prata for supper. thanks zi yuan for coming down from jurong just for the supper hehes ^^
went back home for my beauty sleep after that (: