Friday, February 20, 2009
I had fun with Vic on Vday :)
had some retail therapy.
went dblo w leonard, desmond and others.
was nice meeting desmond again after months!
went to expo, pro-pac dog show!
saw lots of nice and well-bred dogs!
lots of nice dog accessories and homes too!
went IKEA after that for my plant shopping!
bought a nice plant for my office to draw MORE sales in.
and then dinner with hanwei at Manhattan Fish Market in Plaza Singapura.
the standard of food had dropped drastically over the past few months.
I would seriously not go back there again for any meals.
Fish&Co. would be a better choice.
watched Look for A Star;

Typical chinese movie.
Watched a Preview with Vic
He's Just Not That Into You

Great show! but there is always room for improvement.
The whole movie was hilarious and some scenerios are really like that in real life.
Would HIGHLY recommend this movie.
was ill.
met vic, leonard and guang hao for dinner at my favourite Ramen shop in Far East Plaza.
Movie-ed afterwards.
The other end of the line.

He's just not that into you was better but this show isn't that bad too.
Worth a watch.
things to get done by this year.
have not confirm but here's e rough plan.
- start school in April.
- start driving lessons and hopefully get my license by August latest.
- start going to gym 2times a weeek LOL (HOPEFULLY I HAVE THE DETERMINATION!)
- online shop and mani/pedi services.
- my job.
**waiting for honey to come back**
misses her much!
Labels: Dogs, IKEA, Movie Review
What will you do to find out if your crush is into you?
Monday, February 09, 2009

What will you do to find out if your crush is into you?
1. i will tell him (strongly believed that being straight to e point do works somehow)
2. i will ask him whether does he have anyone in mind right now.
3. i will automatically sms him everyday and wait for his replies. it's to know what is he is doing at the point of the time :)
4. i will treat him very nicely and make it obvious that he's e only guy i'm treating so differently.
5. i will meet up with him whenever i'm free. he will be at the top of the list :)
6. i will get to know his friends so that they can give me some info at times. loll.
besides this,
i did actually enquire more from my friends, and here's what they have to say on this topic.
1. i will kiss my crush (wonders, wouldn't it be scaring the person off?)
2. i will chase him straight with 100% effort.
3. i will stalk him, to know his every movement (sounds scary too? lol.)
4. i will make him drunk, and ask him who he likes. (well, it might be useful because drunkards are normally very truthful! :))
and well, if you feel that he's just not that into you and you just don't know what to do.
do catch this movie, He's Just Not That Into You
Labels: Nuffnang
met ahgong today, mr jerren :)
finally! both of us were so busy for the past few months that we could only meet up now.
busy busy.
watched underworld: rise of the lycans

Ratings: 3.5/5
i kinda like this movie, but i just don't understand quite a number of the scenes.
nontheless, it's still nice.
went to beds after that for some drinks with malcolm, katrina, gabriel and ahkeong, along with ahgong.
bernice gave me greentea only :(
was restricted to liquor due to some issues.
but it's ok! i needed time rest for myself too.
no liquor for the time being.
ate bak kut teh and all of us parted ways after our supper.
thanks to ahgong, for fetching and sending me home thou you are staying at bt. panjang!
felt so sorry :(
next time i will fetch u, after i gotten my driving license of cos. hehehe.
meet up soon again ya ?
my 7years and ongoing friend.
didn't get to take a pic with u!
must take it the next time round we meet.
Labels: Movie Review
Friday, February 06, 2009
Aaron organize a supper trip to JB, went along with him since it's quite a while since we went JB together le.
been 3 months since e last trip together in oct.

the colt lovers. lols.

ning and honey :)
love her to bits hehehes.
our 2nd destination. hot and spicy lok lok!
it's really a nice trip together. thanks dear :)
looking forward to more trips together! including genting of cos! hehehs.
Labels: Outings
Monday, February 02, 2009
met up with alice today.
FINALLY MY DEAR. i wonder where you flew to.
raine was supposed to come down. but she went missing in e end :(
had a nice and fulfilling dinner with her at ichiban boshi aft i change my jeans at suntec.

crapped with her alot. with her stories, my stories and lots of gossips.
i love the way we can just slack around and talk anything under the sun.
will meet up again soon my dear :)
and of cos, with raine!