Saturday, April 25, 2009
There have been lots of dramatic changes in these past 2 months.
Lots on mentally of course. and was so occupied with my programs that i overlooked in updating.
I went Jakarta again from march 14 to 20 to attend a camp and the reviews for it?
Absolutely Fabulous
Won't be able to reveal much thou, but it's worth a trip for you guys out there!
You will learn hell lots of stuffs which you will never get to learn from the environment out there.
Next, started much on my driving lessons.
I can do parallel parking and U-turns! *smirks
Looking forward to my TP on 10th July.
Started my diploma in Marketing Management.
Have not been touching anything regarding studies for the past 4 years.
Wondered would I be able to cope with it.
Had a bad bad bad fever since yesterday. hit til a high time of 39+deg i think.
I was stil at 39deg when I went to see the doctor at 7pm.
Imagined I was already having fever since 7am.
Hw many 39deg could i have before my visit to the doctor?
Hate the feeling of being sick. especially when u are really seriously ill!
Didn't posted any pictures of my new office since I've shifted last oct.
Here it goes! Don't be jealous.
Considered neat because I've just tidied it up a lil before I took this photo.
Time for some rest now!
Labels: Office